четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

crooked tongue sneakers

I fell asleep THREE TIMES watching the debate. Luckily, i have it on tivo. I am powering through it right now. I canapos;t decide if i was really tired or if i am just BORED of watching two grown men bicker and backbite. Scalpel, hatchet ... I donapos;t want your metaphors i want your thoughtful, reasoned answers about WHAT PROGRAMS YOUapos;RE GOING TO CUT. Thatapos;s more important than your nuanced grasp of the english language, imho.and itapos;s definately more important than whether youapos;re going to balance the budget ... Of course youapos;re not going to fucking balance the budget, and IT DOESNapos;T REALLY MATTER. What matters is what youapos;re going to cut. And neither answered that question adequately.

i did manage to get through project runway, though. I was secretly hoping that kenley would win. I could see myself wearing at least three of her dresses as they are, but i could only see myself in one of leanneapos;s. Theyapos;re beautiful but not really practical for the average woman.

back into the breach, i guess.

cancer of the vulva symptoms, crooked tongue sneakers, crooked tongue shoes, crooked tongue piercing, crooked tongue.

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